
Zvezda is a 2-year-old bundle of joy from the shelter. She’s a lively and cheerful rescue, a true source of happiness. Zvezda adores people, she’s affectionate, and her joy shines bright when she gets attention and love.

Zvezda means “star,” and it’s the perfect name for this shining beauty because of her radiant personality and golden coat. She is ready to become the star of your home! 

Zvezda, our star!

Young two-coloured, medium-sized dog ready to be your best friend.

Swift on her feet and light in weight, she loves to hop on lap and listen to what humans are chatting about while enjoying inevitable chest-rubs. When happy, she’ll gladly treat you with one of her signature ear-to-ear smiles. Her appearance is anything but regular. She moves her big ears in accordance to her moods, which makes her just adorable and amusing. Her cute little belly has freckles and the golden fur on her back makes her look like she’s wearing her favourite coat all the time. 


Thanks to her short coating, shedding seasons will not be overwhelming for the owners, and neighbours can remain peaceful as Zvezda is not a frequent-barker. She knows basic commands, and she is, in general, obedient. She will always appreciate the walks, ball throwing and and new lessons her owners would like to teach her. When she is not busy entertaining her family members, she’ll be spotted cuddling up in the bed and peacefully napping.

Smiley and radiant.

Ideal family for this young lady is the one that offers her to live with them inside their home. Kids will love her too.



Thank you for staying on Zvezda’s profile page and reading through. Interested in adoption? We are here to support you every step of the way. That’s why, thanks to our partners and devoted volunteers, we have prepared a wonderful gift-box to follow Zvezda’s adoption. Our goal is to enable a smooth sail into new life, for Zvezda and her amazing adopters. This is what you’ll get!
*Illustrated with the help of AI.

Hi-Res Portraits

Images of Zvezda were captured by four professional photographers. Hi Res pictures of a new family member will be sent to adopter's email.


Our volunteers will drive Zvezda right to your address in central Serbia or to the border with neighbouring country in case you live abroad.

A Vet Call

Our veterinarian will have one video call with the new owners and advice them on all the necessary steps and routines for the best quality of their dogs life.


Our volunteers will treat Zvezda with treatment against flees, ticks and parasites. She will arrive to her new home without to worry about these things!

Ready To Take Action?


We take adoption process seriously. Click on this link to download a questionnaire. When you fill it out, please send it to our email address: oazashelter@gmail.com. After reviewing your answers, we will contact you for further steps.

You fell in love, but you are not in position to adopt? There is still a way you can support her well-being! By becoming a sponsor while she is waiting for forever home, you’ll be receiving exclusive info about improvements she’s making thanks to your sponsorship. Apply on: oazashelter@gmail.com

One time donation is right thing for you at the moment. Thank you, every help is highly appreciated and dedicated to rescue dogs.

Dinars Account: xxx
Paypal: xxx
For donation in goods, please contact us: oazashelter@gmail.com
